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Lower tier regions of China have approximately 250 million citizens without bank accounts, one of the largest underserved regions in the world.

Fintech innovation is a cornerstone of JHD’s growth strategy. We understood early on that it is not practical for banks to open hundreds of branches to service this dispersed market. Our banking product utilizes our retail network of almost 110,000 stores and turns them into convenient virtual banking branches of our partner banks and offer customers a range of banking products. Both consumers and shopkeepers can get liquidity instantly by tapping into our sophisticated, digital POS system. In turn we provide an easy and secure connection to our banking partners, such as Bank of Guiyang and Bank of Communications.

Our technology will enable store owners to handle deposits and withdrawals for customers, issue credit and debit cards, transfer money, get small loans and offer a range of other banking products. Store owners win as it drives traffic to their stores. Banks wins as they expand their footprint in a cost-efficient way and achieve their financial inclusion objectives. Most importantly, customers win as they now have an easy and convenient access to a wide range of banking services without having to travel to larger cities.